By accepting to Make Payment Online, it is implied that you agree to the terms and conditions of Net Banking System / Credit Card Company or the respective entities.
The invoice generation will be done only if acknowledgement is received from payment gateway as to successful payment.
In the exigency of connection getting timed out or user clicking to close the browser before getting payment confirmation message or broken transaction arising out of any other cause, the customer shall check with his card company or bank before proceeding to make subsequent payment for the same proposal. On receipt of confirmation from payment gateway which takes about 72 hours (from the date and time of transaction), Ramkae shall update the payment status of these records. In respect of successful transactions the invoice will be e-mailed to the customer. In respect of failed transactions, no invoice shall be issued.
The company shall not be responsible for non-delivery of invoice if the customer had provided wrong e-mail address.
For any issue relating to online payment, the company can be reached in the e-mail